On September 7th 2023, was held the CANDHy project kick-off meeting in Huesca, Spain.
The meeting presented the structure and objectives of the project, funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

Clean hydrigen will play a vital role in the energy transition either as a fuel or an energy carrier and has many possible applications across industry, transport, energy and building sectors and, therefore, local gas grids across Europe are working hard to get ready for its transport. The realisation of the prospects of delivering H2/NG admixtures or even 100 % H2 by existing gas distribution grids exacerbates the problem of pipe integrity due to the well-known negative impact of hydrogen on the mechanical properties of metals.
Most projects assessing safe hydrogen compatibility with natural gas distribution grids have not performed long-term material integrity assessment replicating distribution grid operating conditions in testing platforms. CANDHy will allow the possibility of testing relevant metallic materials, different from the more-studied steels, with a methodology involving simultaneous tests in independent R&D platforms with a common methodology.
CANDHy – Compatibility Assessment of Non-steel metallic Distribution gas grid materials with Hydrogen project will enable hydrogen distribution in low pressure gas grids by collection of consolidated and exhaustive scientific data, coupled with harmonised guidelines for non-steel metallic grid materials.
The project consortium has 8 Participants from 4 European countries, who will carry out the development of the 5 Work Packages.