On July 2nd, 2024, the CANDHy project hosted the open ‘1st CANDHy Cluster Workshop’ with more than 40 stakeholders from the gas industry joining online.
The aim of the workshop was to bring together and give prominence to similar to CANDHy projects funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership focused on the gas infrastructure and the safe hydrogen injection.
During the event the following projects were presented: CANDHy – Compatibility Assessment of Non-steel metallic Distribution gas grid materials with Hydrogen, OPTHYCS – Optic Fibre-Based Hydrogen
Leak Control Systems, PilgrHYm – Pre-normative Research on Integrity Assessment Protocols of Gas Pipes Repurposed to Hydrogen and Mitigation Guidelines, THOTH2 – Novel Methods of Testing for Measurement of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Mixtures, SHIMMER – Safe Hydrogen Injection Modelling and Management for European gas network Resilience.
Partners from each aforementioned project exchanged insights on their latest research developments and state-of-the-art practices, strengthening the synergies between EU-funded projects and contributing to knowledge sharing.